Dear Father in Heaven, give me the courage to heal as I cannot begin to heal the world unless I begin to heal my own broken and shattered heart. I ask for the grace to spend time with you in Adoration as you lead me step by step to my heavenly home. AMEN. 

Only when we begin to heal our own brokenness by surrendering our will to His will moment by moment, “we will fight the good fight” with passion and perseverance AND end the atrocities of abortion and child trafficking in our communities and world. 



“Beloved child of the Father, I am with you, 

I see you… I see your beautiful radiant soul looming like a pure white rose.  

I see your broken yet still beating, still loving heart. 

I see your resilient marvelous body.  

I see the pain, shame, and fear you carry like a crushing cross, and I love you. 

You are precious to Me.  You are my Beloved. 

I desire to heal you, to lift the cross from your shoulders, and to dance with you. 

 And I want you to hear Me say ENOUGH, NO MORE. 

My Beloved, you have suffered long enough under this weight that is not your burden to carry. 

If you will only invite Me into your wounds, your aching heart, into your fear and your memories. 

I will love you into wholeness and clothe you with My garment of dignity and grace. 

I await your coming to me for I will not violate or force. 

I AM LOVE. I am only love... 

And My love is gentle, patient, and trustworthy. 

You are safe here in My Tender and “Sacred Heart”. HopesGarden

An oil painting depicting the Nativity scene with the child Jesus, referred to as "Praesepium" in Latin, lying in a manger in a stable, cradled in the arms of his mother, Mary. Joseph stands by, and both parents look on with visible astonishment.